Friday, September 21, 2012


As a parent of two young children I see the importance of self care, but this wasn't always the case. It took awhile (okay nearly 5 years) before I  figured out that I am able to show up better for my kiddos when I take care of me. Not only am I setting the precedence for healthy habits, but I am less cranky and more patient. Taking time for yourself is nothing to feel guilty about and is essential to healthy well- being. Give yourself a break! You deserve it!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Be Kind

Be kind to yourself! Do what makes you feel good. Listen to your body and remember you're human. We all struggle with balance. Keep the inner dialogue positive; show up in your life the way you envision. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Autumn Begins

With Autumn just around the corner, summer is soon to be a distant memory. The crisp air, cute boots and a settled routine gradually become the way of life. I find myself immersed in running, enjoying the vibrant colors and gradual weather change. It seems that I am not alone. Active people every where (walk, bike, run, etc..) are all striving for a common goal and taking in the beauty that surrounds. There is something about fall; one can't get enough. Get out your favorite cozy sweater, eat something pumpkin and come get a massage! Take a deep breath ~ It's time to RELAX! Autumn Special - Receive $10 off your next massage. Call/text - 206.617.4632 or email -