Saturday, May 26, 2012


We all strive for a happy healthy life... some able to achieve easier than others. What's their secrete? How so Zen and will it work for me? Its different for everyone and although we can not control our external environment, we can facilitate a healthy body and mind. Getting regular massage helps aide in this process tremendously, but don't stop there! Quieting your mind and retraining your subconscious brain helps to insure that the benefits of massage stick. My personal mission is to hone these skills and I invite you to join me on this journey. Sharing is caring! My current loves - Stress Less, Weigh Less by Holly Mosier and Positively Positive a fabulous blog I highly recommend you subscribe! Jump on the fast track to a healthy mind and your body will follow.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Clover brings prosperity with benefits of plenty! Massage offers many of these benefits and more. Thus the seed for Rosy Clover is planted to aide you in optimal health and wellness. Stay tuned for tips, tricks, massage specials and more.