Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nature's Fireworks

I thought I would share my neighbors beautiful peonies with you. Relax a little! Take time to stop and smell the flowers. Nature is a fantastic way to relieve stress! Enjoy the sunshine.

Friday, July 6, 2012

It's a holiday...

Post firework blues got you down? Still dazed and confused from having the holiday in the middle of the week!?! That seems to be the general consensus. Whether you over indulged or under slept... chances are your probably still recovering. Massage can help! Come regroup - RECHARGE! Schedule now - call/text - 206.617.4632 or email -

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fresh Promo!

Rosy Clover and Seattle Seed Company an unlikely pair... I think not! Both promoting health and wellness from the inside out. By electing healthy habits as the baseline of our existence we insure just that. For me the unlikely duo is a dream machine driving towards optimal health! Nourished by the fruits of your labor soothing your soul. Together we offer that and much more! Spend your $10 wisely or heck spend more... I personally  Seattle Seed Company's new 100% Natural Soap and don't forget to book your massage. You'll need it after all that hard work in the garden! See you soon.